

This page guides you to initiate a single payment method using APIs and redirect flow. You can use it with any payment method supported by Tap.


Redirect payment flow requires redirect_url in the API request. After payment is completed, the user will be redirected to this URL.

Step 1: Choose the payment method source

Each payment method has a specific source_id as follows:

  • src_card: Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, and mada
  • src_sa.mada: mada
  • src_kw.knet: KNET
  • src_bh.benefit: Benefit
  • src_om.omannet: Omannet
  • src_eg.fawry: Fawry
  • src_apple_pay: Apple-Pay

Choose the source_id of the payment method you want to initiate.

Step 2: Initiate a request

Make a \charge request, specifying the payment method source in the

"source": {
    "id": "src_kw.knet"

Provide a redirect URL, where the user will be redirected after completing the transaction.

"redirect": {
    "url": ""

Step 3: Redirect user to the payment page

In the response of the \charge request, you'll receive a transaction.url containing a URL for the payment page.

"transaction": {
    "authorization_id": "348683",
    "timezone": "UTC+03.00",
    "created": "1234343434",
    "url": ""

The user should be redirected to this URL, provide the required payment information, and complete the transaction.


For KNET and Benefit, the URL will contains a direct link to KNET and Benefit page respectively.

Step 4: Retrieve the transaction

When the user is redirected to your redirect_url, you'll receive tap_id. Make a \charge request to retrieve the transaction details, specifying the charge_id contained in tap_id.

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer sk_test_XKokBfNWv6FIYuTMg5sLPjhJ' \
  --data '{}'
{ "id": "chg_TS020420211019Ja242609987", 
  "object": "charge", 
  "live_mode": false, 
  "api_version": "V2", 
  "method": "GET", 
  "status": "CANCELLED", 
  "amount": 1.000, 
  "currency": "BHD", 
  "threeDSecure": true, 
  "card_threeDSecure": false, 
  "save_card": false, 
  "merchant_id": "", 
  "product": "", 
  "statement_descriptor": "Sample", 
  "description": "Test Description", 
  "metadata": { "udf1": "test 1", "udf2": "test 2" }, 
  "transaction": { 
      "timezone": "UTC+03:00", 
      "created": "1632651545003", 
      "expiry": { "period": 30, "type": "MINUTE" }, 
      "asynchronous": false, 
      "amount": 1.000, 
      "currency": "BHD" 
  "reference": { 
      "id": "ref_BoajZCHlFDnLsUbyBygLkB", 
      "track": "tck_TS030520211019Yx942609049", 
      "payment": "5726211019090490134", 
      "gateway": "00", 
      "transaction": "txn_0001", 
      "order": "ord_0001" 
  "response": { 
      "code": "302", 
      "message": "Cancelled" 
  "receipt": { "id": "205026211019099018", "email": false, "sms": true }, "customer": { "first_name": "test", "middle_name": "test", "last_name": "test", "email": "", "phone": { "country_code": "965", "number": "50000000" } }, "source": { "object": "source", "type": "CARD_NOT_PRESENT", "payment_type": "DEBIT", "payment_method": "BENEFIT", "channel": "INTERNET", "id": "src_bh.benefit" }, "redirect": { "status": "SUCCESS", "url": "" }, "post": { "status": "SUCCESS", "url": "" } }