Encrypted Card Flow (PCI)

This document provides a simple guide for integrating Tap Payments into both web and mobile applications, specifically tailored for PCI compliant merchants. It includes detailed instructions for encrypting cardholder data and processing payments securely. Merchants who are PCI compliant can encrypt the raw card data on their end and pass it to the Tap API for seamless payment processing.

Card Encryption

To ensure security, card details must be encrypted using the RSA algorithm provided by Tap. Here is the tap test encryption keys. We highly recommend to use your own encryption keys from your merchant account.

Below are the steps to encrypt card information.

Obtain the RSA Public Key from tap

Upon you submit your PCI and AOC certificate, tap will issue an RSA public key to perform the encryption. You can get the RSA Public Key from the tap Team.

Prepare Data for Encryption

Ensure the card information is in JSON format:

  "number": "5123450000000008",  
  "exp_month": "01",  
  "exp_year": "2039",  
  "cvc": "100",  
  "name": "test user"  

Encrypt Card Information using RSA public key

Encrypt the JSON data using the RSA public key. The encrypted card is now ready to be sent in the API request.

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Example Of The Encryption Function

function encryptWithRSA(value, publicKey) {
  const valueString = JSON.stringify(value);
  const encrypted = crypto.publicEncrypt(
      key: publicKey,
      padding: crypto.constants.RSA_PKCS1_PADDING
    Buffer.from(valueString, 'utf-8')

  return encrypted.toString('base64');

Encrypted card might look like below (note that this is just an example)


Making API Requests

When making API requests to process payments with Tap Payments, it's essential to understand the different approaches available for handling encrypted card data.

Understanding Integration Options

Option 1: Create a Token First, Then Make a Charge/Authorize Request

With this approach, you first create a token representing the encrypted card data before making a charge or authorize request.

Create a Token:

  1. Encrypt the card information using the RSA public key.
  2. Send the encrypted card data to the Tap API via the token endpoint.
  3. Receive a token.id representing the encrypted card data.

Make a Charge/Authorize Request Using the Token:

  1. Use the token.id as the source.id in the charge or authorize endpoint.

Advantages include the ability to validate and store the token information before making the payment request.

Option 2: Directly Make a Charge/Authorize Request with Encrypted Card Data

Alternatively, you can directly pass encrypted card data in the charge or authorize request without creating a token first.

Make a Charge/Authorize Request with Encrypted Card Data:

  1. Encrypt the card information using the RSA public key.
  2. Pass the encrypted card data as source.card in the charge or authorize endpoint.

Advantages include reducing the number of API calls required and potentially speeding up the transaction process.
By understanding these integration options, you can choose the approach that best suits your application's needs and workflow. You can discuss with the developer experience team for more guidance.

Ensure that the secret key used for these endpoints are from the same merchant account. You can get further guidance from the Developer Experience team at tap.

Option 1 : Create a token and Create a Charge/Authorize

You can pass the encrypted card via token API to create a token.id and pass it to the source.id of the charges API or Authorize API

Create a token

You can pass the encrypted card to the token API via the parameter crypted_data

curl --request POST \
     --url https://api.tap.company/v2/tokens/ \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer sk_test_XKokBfNWv6FIYuTMg5sLPjhJ' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
  "card": {
    "address_city": "Some city",
    "address_country": "Some country",
    "address_line1": "First line",
    "address_line2": "Second line",
    "address_state": "Royal State",
    "address_zip": "007",
    "crypted_data": "cEXqtyq7jWYR3tbkM0C31bQWzO3pewrA3B/vHyO/PqITT0HWwc16u6jNMVznqLxBhFTgQRSdlMgukJqWfRah1dhD9kz7f5g0B9kgC4UFsqRAcmmhYg4yhTD60gFRE6GEtywg/Wbs3L3GCaqmtfJlDJQGIklgt4Hu9PTDAYlw4d3gZIKnXlXH/y82t59niCGdlmChSv3bsNyO8mSnV852ZzNM3DLYKZaIfdRcd8l706lIqUTpdeQS5Wuw/UdLpKUHm864lkTSowC5fx5HyPxBkO4s0ZuUi8svTx0ivPhSmSUSblP7Q8GkpmNh8o1bdRoMb083TGVrTRyFI3ahQIPFdQ=="

You will get the token.id in the response

	"id": "tok_MGmI37241418FNsU5cl50843",
	"status": "ACTIVE",
	"created": 1717597117843,
	"object": "token",
	"live_mode": false,
	"type": "CARD",
	"purpose": "CHARGE",
	"used": false,
	"card": {
		"id": "card_5Sgt37241418Fen55cm5P847",
		"object": "card",
		"on_file": false,
		"address": {
			"country": "Saudi",
			"city": "Kuwait city",
			"avenue": "Gulf",
			"street": "Salim",
			"line1": "Salmiya, 21"
		"funding": "DEBIT",
		"fingerprint": "S6598GK124LgquRVCL0Vgu0mJPpIzMAQ21laYvZ73EI%3D",
		"brand": "MASTERCARD",
		"scheme": "MASTERCARD",
		"category": "Proprietary ATM",
		"exp_month": 1,
		"exp_year": 25,
		"last_four": "0008",
		"first_six": "512345",
		"first_eight": "51234500",
		"issuer": {
			"bank": "",
			"country": "US",
			"id": "bnk_LV04C1020240745l3MB0206269"
	"payment": {
		"id": "card_5Sgt37241418Fen55cm5P847",
		"on_file": false,
		"card_data": {
			"exp_month": 1,
			"exp_year": 25,
			"last_four": "0008",
			"first_six": "512345",
			"first_eight": "51234500",
			"address": {
				"country": "Saudi",
				"city": "Kuwait city",
				"avenue": "Gulf",
				"street": "Salim",
				"line1": "Salmiya, 21"
		"fingerprint": "S6598GK124LgquRVCL0Vgu0mJPpIzMAQ21laYvZ73EI%3D",
		"scheme": "MASTERCARD",
		"category": "Proprietary ATM",
		"issuer": {
			"bank": "",
			"country": "US",
			"id": "bnk_LV04C1020240745l3MB0206269"
	"merchant": {
		"id": "599424"
	"client_ip": ""

Create a Charges/Authorize

Now you can pass thetoken.id as a source.id within Charges or Authorize endpoint

"source": {  
    "id": "token.id"  

Option 2: Create a Charge/Authorize with an encrypted card

You can pass the encrypted cardas asource.cardwithin charges API or Authorize API

"source": {  
    "card": "ENCRYPTED_CARD_DATA"  

Note that if there are any card validation errors, they will be included in the response from the charges or authorize request.

Payment Processing

Once you create a charge or an authorize request, you will get thetransaction.urlfor the customer to complete the 3DS process.


For merchants who are using multiple merchant accounts linked under a master account, you can use the master encryption keys to encrypt the card, and process the payment under any linked merchant account, by passing the merchant ID in the charges/authorize endpoint

Here is a charge response sample (same for both options)

    "id": "chg_TS01A5220241042q1ZX1006293",
    "object": "charge",
    "live_mode": false,
    "customer_initiated": true,
    "api_version": "V2",
    "method": "CREATE",
    "status": "INITIATED",
    "amount": 1.00,
    "currency": "SAR",
    "threeDSecure": true,
    "card_threeDSecure": false,
    "save_card": false,
    "product": "GOSELL",
    "metadata": {
        "udf1": "test_data_1",
        "udf2": "test_data_2",
        "udf3": "test_data_3"
    "transaction": {
        "timezone": "UTC+03:00",
        "created": "1718016173107",
        "url": "https://sandbox.payments.tap.company/test_gosell/v2/payment/tap_process.aspx?chg=d6aPjTalvIX0FifFT%2bJQ%2fxZp7Ju0qg3hE%2fcQCz4oL14%3d",
        "expiry": {
            "period": 30,
            "type": "MINUTE"
        "asynchronous": false,
        "amount": 1.00,
        "currency": "SAR"
    "reference": {
        "transaction": "txn_0001",
        "order": "ord_0001",
        "idempotent": "ord_0001"
    "response": {
        "code": "100",
        "message": "Initiated"
    "card": {
        "object": "card",
        "first_six": "512345",
        "first_eight": "51234500",
        "last_four": "0008",
        "name": "test user",
        "expiry": {
            "month": "01",
            "year": "39"
    "receipt": {
        "email": true,
        "sms": true
    "customer": {
        "id": "cus_TS07A5420232136o2K52709053",
        "first_name": "Majdi",
        "middle_name": "Abdullah",
        "last_name": "Al Khowaiter",
        "email": "m.ghgjhgj@tap.company",
        "phone": {
            "country_code": "966",
            "number": "51234567"
    "merchant": {
        "country": "SA",
        "currency": "SAR",
        "id": "12345"
    "source": {
        "object": "token",
        "id": "tok_mOsV3247433Xp410F85Z303",
        "on_file": false
    "redirect": {
        "status": "PENDING",
        "url": "http://your_website.com/redirecturl"
    "post": {
        "status": "PENDING"
    "activities": [
            "id": "activity_TS07A5720241042Hw951006068",
            "object": "activity",
            "created": 1718016173107,
            "status": "INITIATED",
            "currency": "SAR",
            "amount": 1.00,
            "remarks": "charge - created",
            "txn_id": "chg_TS01A5220241042q1ZX1006293"
    "auto_reversed": false

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