Tap APIs follow the RESTful architecture, returning all responses in JSON format.

There are two modes available for using Tap APIs: Test and Live. Each mode requires a different API key, which can be generated using the instructions provided in the "Generate API Key" section below.



  1. Looking to integrate your website, eCommerce store or mobile app with Tap Payment Gateway? Visit the Integrations guide to find the right integration method for you.
  2. You can also accept payments without a website or app using goCollect app.
  3. If you are looking for multi-vendor integration, contact the Tap Support Team with your requirements.

API Authentication

To ensure secure authentication, Tap APIs use HTTP Token Authentication. You must provide your API key as the bearer in the Authorization header in the format "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY".

Please note that API requests made without proper authentication will fail.


Watch Out

The Authorization header value should strictly adhere to the format mentioned above. Invalid formats will result in authentication failures.

Few examples of invalid headers are:

API Credentials

To generate your Tap API key, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Tap Dashboard using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to goSell → API Credentials → Generate Key to view the secret keys for your desired mode.


Do not share your API Key with anyone or on any public platforms. This can pose security threats for your Tap account.