You can perform the following API actions on payments:

Capture a payment

If your transaction is AUTHORIZED using the Authorize API, and you want to CAPTURE it, you can use the Create a Charge API and provide the Authorize ID

Retrieve the details of a payment

If you would like to retrieve the details of a payment at any stage of the payment transaction life cycle, use Retrieve a Charge. This API allows you to retrieve information about a specific charge, such as its status, amount, currency, and customer details. You will need to provide the Charge ID of the payment you want to retrieve in the API request.

Retrieve the details of all payments

If you would like to retrieve all the payments performed on your account, you can use List All Charges. This endpoint allows you to list the payments based on various parameters such as Date Range, Status, Payment Method, Customer, and Charge ID.

Update a payment

To update the description, email and SMS notifications, or metadata of a charge, you can use the Update a Charge API. This API allows you to modify these properties of an existing charge.