Charges Response Codes

200In Progress
402Failed, Invalid Parameter
403Failed, Duplicate
404Failed, Locked
405Failed, Invalid Card No
406Failed, Invalid Expiry
407Failed, Expired Card
408Failed, Unspecified Failure
502Declined, Incorrect CSC/CVV
503Declined, 3D Security - Incorrect
504Declined, 3D Security - Card not Enrolled
505Declined, Insufficient Funds
506Declined, Transaction Type Not Supported
507Declined, Card Issuer
508Declined, Card Issuer - No Reply
509Declined, Card Issuer - Do not Contact
510Declined, Card Issuer - Referral Response
511Declined, Card Issuer - Error
512Declined, Not Authenticated
513Declined, Card Acquirer - Error
514Declined, Card Issuer - Risk Check
515Declined, Tap
516Declined, Authentication Failed
702Restricted, Retry Limit Exceeded
703Restricted, Bank
704Restricted, Tap
801Timed Out

Refunds Response Codes

200In Progress
402Failed, Invalid Parameter
403Failed, Duplicate
502Declined, Insufficient Balance
503Declined, Refund not Supported
504Declined, Partial Refund not Supported
602Restricted, Bank
701Timed Out

HTTP Response Codes

200 - OKEverything worked as expected.
400 - Bad RequestThe request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.
401 - UnauthorizedNo Valid API key was provided.
402 - Request FailedThe parameters were valid but the request failed.
403 - ForbiddenAccess is denied.
404 - Not FoundThe requested resource does not exist.
409 - ConflictThe request conflicts with another request.
429 - Too Many RequestsToo many requests hit the API quickly. We recommend an exponential backoff of your requests.
500, 502, 503, 504 - Server ErrorsSomething went wrong on Tap's end.

Error Codes 'Bad Requests'

If the API request fails, Tap returns an appropriate error code

1100Header values are missing
1101Secret API Key and Environment are mismatched
1102Request values are empty
1103Required inputs are invalid
1104Customer id is missing
1105Customer id is invalid
1106Customer not found
1107Customer id is not matching with existing customer
1108Save card features are not enabled
1109Non-3D secure transactions are not allowed
1110Redirect URL is missing
1111Redirect URL is invalid
1112Authorize id is missing
1113Authorize id is invalid
1114Please check the Authorize status
1115Authorize not found
1116Save card feature not supported for this transaction
1117Amount is invalid
1118Currency code is invalid
1119Currency code not supported
1120Statement descriptor is invalid or length should be less than 60 characters
1121The 'description' should be less than 1000 characters
1122Merchant order reference length should be less than 100 characters
1123Merchant transaction reference length should be less than 100 characters
1124Source id is missing
1125Source id is invalid
1126Source already used, Please create the new source
1127The metadata key length should be less than 250 characters
1128Metadata value length should be less than 1000 characters
1129Customer id or Customer information is required
1130Customer's first name is required
1131Customer's first name length should be less than 150 characters
1132Customer last name is required
1133Customer last name length should be less than 150 characters
1134Customer middle name length should be less than 150 characters
1135Phone number is required
1136Phone number country code is invalid
1137Phone number is invalid
1138Email Address is invalid
1139Customer phone number or email address is required
1140Card number is invalid
1141Card expiry is invalid
1142Charge id is missing
1143Charge id is invalid
1144Charge id not found
1145Authenticate type is missing
1146Authenticate type is invalid
1147Confirmation code is missing
1148Confirmation code is invalid
1149Currency code is not matching with existing currency code
1150Capture amount exceeds with the outstanding authorized amount
1151Gateway timed out
1152Invalid authorize auto schedule type
1153Invalid authorize auto schedule time
1154BIN is missing
1155BIN is invalid
1156Refund reason is missing
1157Refund reason length should be less than 250 characters
1158Refund id is missing
1159Refund id is invalid
1160Refund not found
1161Requested refund amount exceeds
1162Invalid row count should be less than or equal to 50
1163Provided card is not supported, Please try with another card
1164Merchant id is invalid
1165Transfer id is missing
1166Transfer id is invalid
1167Transfer not found
1168Requested transfer amount exceeds with charge amount
1169Destination and Application cannot be applied in the same charge request
1170Transfer Currency code is invalid
1171Destination id cannot be duplicated
1172Destination id invalid
2100Invalid JSON request
2101The server is currently unavailable (overloaded or down)
2102Request not found
2103Application Required
2104Invalid API Key
2105API credentials are required
2106Please use the secret key, the public key given
2107Authorization Required
2108It is likely that you need to grant permission_name
4100Card validation failed - card name can only have 10 integer values
4101Card validation failed - Card has expired
4102Card validation failed - cvc is too short/long
9998Required inputs are invalid. Please check the currency or amount
9999Internal server error

Standard Errors

Each error has a unique error code and description, errors are returned in an array of error objects. below is the schema and example of an error.

  "errors": [
      "code": "1144",
      "description": "Charge not found"
