1100 | Header values are missing |
1101 | Secret API Key and Environment are mismatched |
1102 | Request values are empty |
1103 | Required inputs are invalid |
1104 | Customer id is missing |
1105 | Customer id is invalid |
1106 | Customer not found |
1107 | Customer id is not matching with existing customer |
1108 | Save card features are not enabled |
1109 | Non-3D secure transactions are not allowed |
1110 | Redirect URL is missing |
1111 | Redirect URL is invalid |
1112 | Authorize id is missing |
1113 | Authorize id is invalid |
1114 | Please check the Authorize status |
1115 | Authorize not found |
1116 | Save card feature not supported for this transaction |
1117 | Amount is invalid |
1118 | Currency code is invalid |
1119 | Currency code not supported |
1120 | Statement descriptor is invalid or length should be less than 60 characters |
1121 | The 'description' should be less than 1000 characters |
1122 | Merchant order reference length should be less than 100 characters |
1123 | Merchant transaction reference length should be less than 100 characters |
1124 | Source id is missing |
1125 | Source id is invalid |
1126 | Source already used, Please create the new source |
1127 | The metadata key length should be less than 250 characters |
1128 | Metadata value length should be less than 1000 characters |
1129 | Customer id or Customer information is required |
1130 | Customer's first name is required |
1131 | Customer's first name length should be less than 150 characters |
1132 | Customer last name is required |
1133 | Customer last name length should be less than 150 characters |
1134 | Customer middle name length should be less than 150 characters |
1135 | Phone number is required |
1136 | Phone number country code is invalid |
1137 | Phone number is invalid |
1138 | Email Address is invalid |
1139 | Customer phone number or email address is required |
1140 | Card number is invalid |
1141 | Card expiry is invalid |
1142 | Charge id is missing |
1143 | Charge id is invalid |
1144 | Charge id not found |
1145 | Authenticate type is missing |
1146 | Authenticate type is invalid |
1147 | Confirmation code is missing |
1148 | Confirmation code is invalid |
1149 | Currency code is not matching with existing currency code |
1150 | Capture amount exceeds with the outstanding authorized amount |
1151 | Gateway timed out |
1152 | Invalid authorize auto schedule type |
1153 | Invalid authorize auto schedule time |
1154 | BIN is missing |
1155 | BIN is invalid |
1156 | Refund reason is missing |
1157 | Refund reason length should be less than 250 characters |
1158 | Refund id is missing |
1159 | Refund id is invalid |
1160 | Refund not found |
1161 | Requested refund amount exceeds |
1162 | Invalid row count should be less than or equal to 50 |
1163 | Provided card is not supported, Please try with another card |
1164 | Merchant id is invalid |
1165 | Transfer id is missing |
1166 | Transfer id is invalid |
1167 | Transfer not found |
1168 | Requested transfer amount exceeds with charge amount |
1169 | Destination and Application cannot be applied in the same charge request |
1170 | Transfer Currency code is invalid |
1171 | Destination id cannot be duplicated |
1172 | Destination id invalid |
2100 | Invalid JSON request |
2101 | The server is currently unavailable (overloaded or down) |
2102 | Request not found |
2103 | Application Required |
2104 | Invalid API Key |
2105 | API credentials are required |
2106 | Please use the secret key, the public key given |
2107 | Authorization Required |
2108 | It is likely that you need to grant permission_name |
4100 | Card validation failed - card name can only have 10 integer values |
4101 | Card validation failed - Card has expired |
4102 | Card validation failed - cvc is too short/long |
9998 | Required inputs are invalid. Please check the currency or amount |
9999 | Internal server error |