KFAST is a card saving feature offered by KNET
Customers can save the card on the KNET server page. So, they can reuse the saved cards to make any future payments.
It needs to be enabled by the tap side, please contact the tap support team to get it enabled.
Note It's not available in Sandbox mode.
Pass 'cust_' in the customer object of the Charges API call instead of full customer details, so the KNET page will show the KFAST logo as well.
"customer": {
"id": "cus_LV05H542l1DQ0105185"
Customers can save the cards by clicking the terms & conditions agreement
(Use create a customer API, to get the cust_. If no existing customer)
Sample Page for new customer
If the same customer returns for any future payment, you can pass the same customer_id in the payload request, and KFAST will show the saved cards list to choose from. as shown below.
Sample page with saved cards
Updated 9 months ago