Getting Started

This page guides you to set up your account with Tap, and start accepting online payments on your website or mobile app.

1. Registration

Sign-up for a free goSell account.

2. Get Your Test Keys

Once registration has been completed, follow the steps below to get your API testing keys:

  1. Sign in to Tap’s Dashboard using your username and password
  2. Click on goSell
  3. Click on API credentials on the left-hand side menu
  4. There you can find the API keys and the secret or publishable keys for both sandbox and production

Test Keys for Mobile Apps


Get Test Keys for Your Mobile Apps

To start testing Tap’s Checkout SDK for mobile apps, a special set of keys has to be generated. For extra security measures, such keys will be generated against your iOS App Bundle ID or Android App Package ID. You can request the testing keys for your App from Tap’s live support team or from your account manager at Tap.