This section will describe the Charges API overview, the request and response example.
To directly charge a credit or debit card, submit a request to create a charge using the Create a Charge endpoint. All charges are identified by unique charge_ids. You can also retrieve a charge, refund a charge or retrieve a list of charges.
You can also use this charges endpoint to Capture an authorized transaction.
The Payment Source Object
In the charge request, include
to indicate the payment source at the time of the transaction.
The possible values are below based on your choice.
Source ID | Description |
src_sa.mada | mada (local payment switch in KSA). For this payment method, a transaction.url is always returned. Hence the user has to be redirected to this page after the Charge is INITIATED . |
src_kw.knet | KNET (local payment switch in Kuwait). For this payment method, a transaction.url is always returned. Hence the user has to be redirected to this page after the Charge is INITIATED . |
src_eg.fawry | FAWRY (local payment switch in Egypt). For this payment method, a transaction.url is always returned with the Fawry order details. Hence the user has to be redirected to this page after the Charge is IN PROGRESS so that the user can complete the payment at the Fawry Store. |
src_bh.benefit | Benefit (local payment switch in Bahrain). For this payment method, a transaction.url is always returned. Hence the user has to be redirected to this page after the Charge is INITIATED . |
src_benefitpay | Benefit (local payment switch in Bahrain). For this payment method, a transaction.url is always returned. Hence the user has to be redirected to this page after the Charge is INITIATED with two option to pay with QR code or pay by benefit pay app directly. |
src_qa.qpay | NAPS/QPAY (local payment switch in Qatar) . For this payment method, a transaction.url is always returned in the response, hence the user has to be redirected to this page after the Charge is INITIATED . |
src_tabby.installement | With Tabby, you can split your purchases into 4 interest-free payments, online or in-store. Here is the integration guide. |
src_apple_pay | With Apple pay, you can pay with your apple device and by using safari browser easily. |
src_google_pay | With Google pay, allow you to pay with your google account wallet. |
src_sa.stcpay | STC Pay allows the customers in KSA to pay with their phone numbers registred in STC Pay |
src_omannet | Omannet (local payment switch in Oman) . For this payment method, a transaction.url is always returned in the response, hence the user has to be redirected to this page after the Charge is INITIATED . |
token_id | To capture the amount using the generated from Create a Token or Card SDK or Checkout SDK. |
authorize_id | To capture the amount using the generated from Create an Authorize. |
src_card | To display ONLY the Card payment methods on a Tap hosted page. The Create a Charge will return the transaction.url for redirecting the user to the Tap hosted page. |
src_all | To display all the payment methods enabled for the Merchant ID on a Tap hosted Page. The Create a Charge will return the transaction.url to redirect the user to the Tap hosted page. |
Redirect Payment Flow
For KNET, mada, Benefit and 3D Secure transactions,
should be passed in the Charges Request.
Charge Payment Request
"amount": 10,
"currency": "AED",
"threeDSecure": true,
"save_card": false/true, //based on your choice
"description": "Test Description",
"statement_descriptor": "Sample",
"metadata": {
"udf1": "test 1",
"udf2": "test 2"
"reference": {
"transaction": "txn_0001",
"order": "ord_0001"
"receipt": {
"email": true,
"sms": false
"id": ""
"source": {
"id": "src_all"
"post": {
"url": ""
"redirect": {
"url": ""
To Split The Payments (for Marketplace)
To split the amount, you can pass this optional Destinations Object in the charge request. And define the destination ID/s, desired amount, and currency. It will allow splitting the amount with sub-merchants(destinations), and the remaining amount will stay in the master account/wallet.
"destinations": {
"destination": [
"id": "480593",
"amount": 2,
"currency": "AED"
"id": "486374",
"amount": 3,
"currency": "AED"
To Set an Expiry period
The default transaction expiry period is 30 minutes, but it can be adjusted. You can set it to a minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum of 60 minutes by including the optional transaction
object and specifying the desired period as shown below.
"transaction": {
"expiry": {
"period": 60,
"type": "MINUTE"
Post Payment Response Details
If the charge request is valid, then Tap will return the charge response which includes the "status" field defining the status of the charge. The possible values are below
- Tap will provide the payment URL (transaction.url
) to process the payment.
The customer should be redirected to this URL in order to complete the payment.
- Amount was successfully charged.
- Payment failed. Use the charge response code and message to identify the reason for failure.
If you did not provide a customer ID in the charge request, Tap will create a customer ID for each successful transaction and share it within the charge response. You can store this customer ID for future charges, and authorizations, or for getting the list of charges or authorized transactions. You can also create a customer using Create a Customer
If you requested to save the card in the charge request, Tap will save the card and provide a card ID in the charge response if the transaction is successful. You can save this card ID and use it for future charges or authorizations. However, the card ID cannot be used directly in the charge or authorization request. You must first create a token ID using the saved card's ID and then pass the token ID along with the customer ID in the charge or authorization request.
Expected Response
"id": "chg_TS03A2220231551Ha3j1408926",
"object": "charge",
"live_mode": false,
"customer_initiated": true,
"api_version": "V2",
"method": "GET",
"status": "CAPTURED",
"amount": 10.00,
"currency": "AED",
"threeDSecure": true,
"card_threeDSecure": false,
"save_card": true,
"merchant_id": "",
"product": "GOSELL",
"statement_descriptor": "Sample",
"description": "Test Description",
"metadata": {
"udf1": "test 1",
"udf2": "test 2"
"order": {
"id": "ord_lWdQ29231251p2pQ14NO7c311"
"transaction": {
"authorization_id": "030982",
"timezone": "UTC+03:00",
"created": "1692028310505",
"expiry": {
"period": 30,
"type": "MINUTE"
"asynchronous": false,
"amount": 10.00,
"currency": "AED"
"reference": {
"track": "tck_TS01A2220231551t1K31408958",
"payment": "2214231551089588145",
"gateway": "123456789012345",
"acquirer": "322612030982",
"transaction": "txn_0001",
"order": "ord_0001"
"response": {
"code": "000",
"message": "Captured"
"security": {
"threeDSecure": {
"id": "3ds_TS06A5020231551j5JH1408505",
"status": "Y"
"acquirer": {
"response": {
"code": "00",
"message": "Approved"
"gateway": {
"response": {
"code": "0",
"message": "Transaction Approved"
"card": {
"id": "card_NOSc48231251fiLc14rl7u285",
"object": "card",
"first_six": "411111",
"scheme": "VISA",
"brand": "VISA",
"last_four": "1111"
"receipt": {
"id": "202314231551081692",
"email": true,
"sms": false
"customer": {
"id": "cus_TS06A5220231551Rl7y1408020",
"first_name": "Waleed",
"last_name": "Asghar",
"email": "",
"phone": {
"country_code": "971",
"number": "586275033"
"merchant": {
"country": "AE",
"currency": "AED",
"id": "14583257"
"source": {
"object": "token",
"payment_type": "CREDIT",
"payment_method": "VISA",
"channel": "INTERNET",
"id": "tok_mgtn48231251SX3414YZ7l282"
"redirect": {
"status": "SUCCESS",
"url": ""
"post": {
"status": "ERROR",
"url": ""
"activities": [
"id": "activity_TS07A5220231551Mj841408864",
"object": "activity",
"created": 1692028310505,
"status": "INITIATED",
"currency": "AED",
"amount": 10.00,
"remarks": "charge - created"
"id": "activity_TS05A1020231552Oe1m1408270",
"object": "activity",
"created": 1692028330270,
"status": "CAPTURED",
"currency": "AED",
"amount": 10.00,
"remarks": "charge - captured"
"auto_reversed": false,
"payment_agreement": {
"id": "payment_agreement_h5Rp522312517fHg14Vg7a661",
"type": "UNSCHEDULED",
"total_payments_count": 1,
"contract": {
"id": "card_NOSc48231251fiLc14rl7u285",
"customer_id": "cus_TS06A5220231551Rl7y1408020",
"type": "SAVED_CARD"
"metadata": {
"txn_type": "CHARGE",
"txn_id": "chg_TS03A2220231551Ha3j1408926",
"terminal_id": "ter_p3F64020211320j6XQ1002702"