SFTP Reports

Accessing SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) - Step-by-Step Guide

The following instructions assume that you have received your SFTP username and password from TAP SFTP via email.

Step 1: Install File Transfer Client Software

Download and install a file transfer client software such as Filezilla or WinSCP on your computer.
Filezilla: https://filezilla-project.org/
WinSCP: https://winscp.net/

Step 2: Launch the File Transfer Client Software

Open the installed file transfer client software (e.g., Filezilla or WinSCP) on your computer.

Step 3: Configure SFTP Connection Settings

Locate the "Host" or "Server" field in the file transfer client software.
Enter the following SFTP server information:
Host: sftp.tap.company
Port: 2222

Step 4: Enter Your SFTP Credentials

Find the "Username" or "User" field in the file transfer client software.
Enter your SFTP username, which is usually the full name in your email address before the "@" symbol.

Email: [email protected]
Username: faisal.mahmood
Find the "Password" field in the file transfer client software.
Enter your SFTP password

You should have received it from TAP SFTP [email protected]

Step 5: Connect to the SFTP Server

Click on the "Connect" or "Login" button in the file transfer client software.
The software will attempt to establish a connection to the SFTP server using the provided credentials.

Step 6: Navigate the SFTP Server's Folder Hierarchy

Once connected, you will see the remote server's file system in the file transfer client software.
Locate and access the desired folders as per the folder hierarchy mentioned below:
Segment/Business ID
Output: Contains all the wallet(s)
Input: For the merchant to write data (add/upload any files to TAP)
Error: An empty folder for future use only
Archive: If the merchant requests to archive payouts periodically

Step 7: Accessing Payout Files

Locate the "Output" folder.
Inside the "Output" folder, navigate to the specific wallet you wish to access.
Within the wallet folder, locate the "Payout Dates" folder.
Inside the "Payout Dates" folder, you will find one or more folders named with "Payout ID/s".
Access the relevant "Payout ID" folder to find the following information:
Summary file: Payout summary including total payout, number of settlements, and number of each transaction type.
Settlement Folder:
Charges file: All the charges included in the settlement.
Refunds file: All the refunds included in the settlement.
Dispute file: In case there's any transaction on hold for a dispute raised.
Release_Dispute: Once a holding dispute is released.
Chargeback: This folder will remain empty (ignore it, any chargeback would be added as a refunded payment in the refund file).

That's it! You have successfully accessed the SFTP server and navigated the folder hierarchy to find the required payout files. Remember to follow any additional instructions provided by TAP or their relevant teams for specific operations or technical assistance.